Tuesday, 11 November 2014

[UPDATED] BULLET For BULLET: Is It The RIGHT Policy? | GD Topics

Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy :

In favor:-

  1. If someone is going to kill us, and if there is no chance to survive without killing them, then we have a right to kill them under the Article 21 as per our constitution.
  2. If we keep on forgiving the terrorists, terrorism may not be terminated.
  3. If there is no punishment, the number of criminals will increase.

In Against:-

  1. As per Gandhiji's words "An Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world Blind", bullet for bullet is not a right policy.
  2. Some people are doing crimes in order to survive or may be because of bad influence. Ex :- Poor people, Juveniles etc. In that case, we should not kill them. Instead we should educate them about what is good and what is bad.
  3. If there is a chance of discussing, we should discuss for better results, instead of killing.

           Bullet for bullet depends on the situation. If we suffered because of them, there is no use by suffering them by doing the same mistake which they have done. If we have a threat from them, then Bullet for bullet is the best policy. Otherwise just forgive them, and live your own life. Life is too short to be serious.

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